Live-in Care

Live-in Care

What is Live-in Care?

Live-in care from Dignity Direct Homecare is an established, full-time care at home service which allows you, or your loved one, to stay at home in familiar and relaxed surroundings with an incomparable level of one to one support. Embracing personal care, housekeeping and companionship it is a direct alternative to residential care that empowers you to retain control and independence.

Your professional live-in carer works with you to meet your personal needs and wishes, following an individually designed support plan that is put together by one of our local assessors in conjunction with those that are familiar with existing routines and needs. Your care is arranged on your terms and is designed to meet existing preferences for meals and eating times, naps and hobbies as well as established medication and care routines. And as your needs change, our one-to-one care has the flexibility to evolve with you.

Experience has shown us that finding the right person to support you is the single most important factor in getting it right. Great care is taken in providing you with the most appropriate care to meet your requirements.

It may be that you require:-

a carer with a certain level of experience and/or specialist training

a carer who can drive

a choice of male or female carers to support your personal care needs

somebody who shares a hobby or interest

Our Homecare services will be available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week throughout the year, including bank holidays and weekends, split into Day Care 7:00 am – 11:00 pm and Night Care 10:00 pm – 7 am.